Thank you Te Pahu School!
Te Pahu School has donated $250 to us thanks to the efforts of their environment group. We will be put this towards our kokako work....

Dactylanthus update
Sadly weather and people’s other commitments have conspired against us achieving any work with this fabulous little parasitic plant...

Okahukura Update
Our baiting for the year is finished and our ‘rat tunnellers’ have trawled through the bush twice in 24 hours, putting 80 cards out in...

Welcome to our new website
Our new website has been launched so take a look around. We think it looks fabulous. Thanks to DoC for funding it and Stephen Way from...

Exciting Kokako News!
We have recently heard from DoC that with no objections to obtaining Pirongia lineage birds from Tiritiri Matangi to translocate to Mount...

Kokako - Bird of the Year
Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Society is gearing up for a momentous year in 2017 and it is all about kokako. This native bird was...